Beware the bots!

Koreen Brennan
2 min readMay 31, 2020

They’re toxic and may bite you or others. Best to just avoid them.

How do you ID a bot?

They are often shaped like inflammatory memes, Youtube videos made by unknown persons, or articles from websites with no identification as to source or who owns it.

They are simple creatures, focused on encouraging you to explain complex situations with a quick “it’s the other guy’s fault.” The “other guy” being 30–70% of the population that is somehow different than you.

Their peculiar poison stimulates your emotions and shuts down your analytical thought patterns or willingness to listen to others or treat them like humans. Like certain other alien creatures some of us have encountered on the Starship, they get in your head and make you want to just slap people, or block them, or slap them first and then block them.

They tend to breed very fast during times of societal stress (not unlike viruses as they do need hosts to continue to thrive), usually in dark corners, and suddenly appearing all over the place.

When ignored, they languish and die. They also tend to become much less dangerous when thoroughly examined in an objective manner. That activity tends to tame them a bit but almost nobody does that because they bite you first, see. And then you can’t be objective any longer.

So best to just avoid them.



Koreen Brennan

I’m a permaculture designer, cultural co-creator, educator, farmer, whole systems thinker, and perpetual learner.